The Ocean Foundation’s mission is to support, strengthen, and promote those organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world. We focus our collective expertise on emerging threats in order to generate cutting edge solutions and better strategies for implementation. The Foundation advances innovative and customized philanthropic solutions for donors, simplifying the giving process so that they can focus on their chosen passion for the coasts and ocean. We also evaluate marine conservation projects and determine the most effective organizations for our donors to support. ICOMOS works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organisation of this kind, which is dedicated to promoting the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. ICOMOS is a network of experts that benefits from the interdisciplinary exchange of its members, among which are architects, historians, archaeologists, art historians, geographers, anthropologists, engineers and town planners. A team of archaeologists based in Northwest cost of Spain, Archeonauta is specialized in methodology and research techniques in the undwerwater field, which uses the state of the art latests technologies in addition to developing a pioneering model of undewater GPS in Spain. Prepared to work on complex situations for a wide variety of clients, both public and private, Archeonauta has been involved in several UCH projects in Spain and elsewhere, and maintains a high degree of specialisation on underwater archaeology as well as collaborations with other Teams. The IRS Lab has a strong background on several aspects of robotic manipulation and its interaction, including "mobile manipulators" and progressing in HRI skills. All kind of combined sensors are used to progress in manipulation and, several perceptual channels (i.e. 3D vision, haptic interfaces, etc.) are being use to explore better ways for HRI. In the last years, IRS Lab has been involved in the development of manipulation skills for underwater robots, particularly in the design and implementation of new visual-servoing techniques for autonomous manipulation. By positioning communities in a leading role, the Penn Cultural Heritage Center reframes the preservation of cultural heritage within a context of social, political, and economic development. Penn CHC demonstrates and disseminates its strategy through field projects, research, engagement in public policy, and public programs that emphasize the centrality of community priorities for successful outcomes The Nautical Archaeology Digital Library mission is to be a community –as opposed to an hierarchy– and a space where archaeologists from around the world can share their experiences and exchange information with their colleagues, as well as with a wider public. Its tries to increase the visibility of nautical archaeology and emphasize its social importance. This project started as a collaborative effort of researchers from the Texas A&M University’s Center for the Study of Digital Libraries and the J. Richard Steffy Ship Reconstruction Laboratory. It originally drew its materials from the Pepper Wreck collection in Portugal To protect our shared heritage and global security, the Antiquities Coalition is leading the international campaign against cultural racketeering, the illicit trade in ancient art and artifacts. We champion better law and policy, foster diplomatic cooperation, and advance proven solutions with public and private partners worldwide. We are working towards a future when the past is preserved for the next generation, not looted, smuggled, and sold to finance crime, conflict, and terror Licit Cultural Heritage Ltd works to protect cultural heritage but to ensure it is accesible to all. The Company deals with ethical issues in terms of cultural heritage management and applies legal protocols to create bridges between use and preservation. The Company further deals with all issues that relate to underwater cultural heritage: its uses other than preservation (such as for medicine, microelectronics, or particle physics experiments), its management in terms of the future threat of climate change, or ethical issues that arise from human remains in shipwrecks. The UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology aims to increase capacity in the participating countries through international cooperation. It enhances the protection of and research into, underwater cultural heritage, by connecting in a formal way universities and professional training institutions working in the field of underwater archaeology, acting as a bridge between the academic world, civil society, local communities, research and policy-makers. The Network complements the work of the UNESCO Secretariat of the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. The Universitat Jaume I is an accredited observer of the Network. The Portucalense Institute for Legal Research was created in 2007, thus complying with the new legal requirements established by the Portuguese Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions. The Institute is the result of the restructuring and redesign of the Legal Institute existing since 1987, who developed all extra-curricular activities of the Department, from the Preparatory Course for Admission to the Centre for Legal Studies (CEJ), through the publication of Portucalense Law Review (Law Journal), to the various postgraduate and specialization courses, conferences and debates. The Institute intends to give visibility to the research produced in the Department of Law of the University Portucalense, promoting their dissemination and establishing partnerships with research units in Portugal and overseas |
© of the photographs in this website belongs to José A. Moya, Carlos de Juan, ARQVA, the Spain's National Archaeological Museum and the Naval Museum, the Guardia Civil, UNESCO, Ecuador's Navy, the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection and my private collection. Companies are owners of their respectivo logos. |